CONVERSATIONS WITH GOD : LORD I NEED A CHILD SON:    Lord  I need a childGOD:    I know you do but what makes you think you need a childSON:    You said, children are a delight to parentsGOD:    I know that,I am a father myself but do you think a child would make you happierSON:    Yes,I know soGOD:    Why do you need a child?SON: All my agemates that are married have children, I love children, I want to train up my children, […]

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I was running late for a meeting this morning when I got a call. It was from a lady. The caller ID wasn’t displayed meaning I didn’t have it stored on my roving Nokia Torchlight phone. The moment I gave my official response “Hello, Goodmorning”, the caller broke the official code and began to joke. I couldn’t bear to ask who I was speaking with so I tried to decode the voice and I did. She went on and on, […]

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