Dear Elders of our land, I greet you.  I very much doubt the fact that you have a facebook account and if you do then I wonder who your facebook friends are especially if you choose to use your present picture. This few words may not show up on your wall because you are not my friend or the friend of my friend but it will show up somewhere near you. I say these words to you because I understand […]

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A lesson to all is that people may never believe in you until you succeed. Never be discouraged when people do not believe in you, it is in the nature of man to seek the path of least resistance. Men would sway towards the pattern of least stress and would hardly vibrate to the rhythm of a ‘work in progress’. You shouldn’t be surprised to see that ‘happening’ people have more friends and fans than struggling people. That, however should […]

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CONVERSATIONS WITH GOD : LORD I NEED A CHILD SON:    Lord  I need a childGOD:    I know you do but what makes you think you need a childSON:    You said, children are a delight to parentsGOD:    I know that,I am a father myself but do you think a child would make you happierSON:    Yes,I know soGOD:    Why do you need a child?SON: All my agemates that are married have children, I love children, I want to train up my children, […]

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I was running late for a meeting this morning when I got a call. It was from a lady. The caller ID wasn’t displayed meaning I didn’t have it stored on my roving Nokia Torchlight phone. The moment I gave my official response “Hello, Goodmorning”, the caller broke the official code and began to joke. I couldn’t bear to ask who I was speaking with so I tried to decode the voice and I did. She went on and on, […]

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Have you ever tried to win someone else’s affection? Say a parent, a guardian or someone you wish would turn around and admire you even without saying words to that effect? Have you ever? Have you tried going out of your way to do things you never really dreamt of, just to nail it in the wood of someone’s tree? Sure you have. It’s never a bad turn to sacrifice or try to please someone out of your normally comfort […]

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Lord, Fulfil your promise

  LORD FULFIL YOUR PROMISE     SON:      Lord you promised I would be the head and not the tail GOD:     I know what I promised SON:      But I am not the head yet GOD:     My promises are based on my timing SON:      Yes lord but you said I should ask when in need GOD:     Have you asked? SON:      Yes, I have GOD:     Then you’ve done your part SON:      When will you do yours, lord? GOD:     In my time, son […]

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