Could this be a dream come true or just another idea that i feel must be aired?
It is easy to take writing for granted until you know the power of WORDS.
I have created this blog partly due to requests to write and chiefly due to my dream to really really communicate by writing. i hope my words would prove above tact and craft that issues can be re-labelled.
i would write based on experience, revelation, inspiration and expectations alike. i might be biased on some issues but you can be sure i will write my heart as it is. As much as what i write isn’t going to be absolute, it will definitely be my own opinion and i would write as i see and behold.
Your duty is to think with me, make your comments and lets together document the much needed change we deeply seek…one word at a time.

Welcome, dear reader to LIFE STAMPS!

One comment

  • Thanks, I have been blessed by this blog. Looking forward to more posts. God bless and keep you!


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