Many times in relationships we hardly say what we should or act who we are, maybe because we are scared of scaring the other away or maybe we are just to insecure to be ourselves. The result is of course a relationship that we manually build and not one that we deserve.
We end up patching the holes in the boat, when we either shouldn’t have gotten into that boat or we shouldn’t have holed it all the same. We patch and patch until we are nothing but patches ourselves. The human specie is created to adapt but that’s in the absence of options, in the midst of plenty, the specie will revel in the availability of variety and choice.

 We have been on earth long enough to know that

we all have but one life to live and in it, many chances to make it right. We berate people that seem below our class and worship those that we place above, in all we seat in the lives of others and never really come to par with ourselves. Our relationships go a long way to define who we are and who we eventually become. It doesn’t matter how fast you travel the wrong route, you will never arrive at the right destination. It won’t mean a thing if we have gone years in the opposite direction, we are still in the opposite of our choice location.

The best time to do something about any situation is now. We can dare to face our fears and ourselves and live to the glory of God by being who we should be irrespective of the class we claim. All men live one life and the abundance of things we have do not define who we are, our status would only accord us human honour, a place amongst the elite so to speak and nothing more. We live one life and it is pertinent to note that we owe our God, the Creator, to be who we are and we owe ourselves to be ourselves.
Enough of the role play, if you need to play in the sand then ditch your princely robe for once and get some sand between your fingers, laugh till you know you are happy. When we try to fit into society then we have gotten it all wrong for everyman fits into the society even without trying, that’s how it works.
Are you trying to fit in? Are you who you should be?
Dont spend another day saying how difficult it will be to right a wrong or redirect your step. Dont wait until your resolutions stare you in the face unresolved.
Dont plead the weak reasons you have so carefully lived all along.
Do what you know should be done, the harder it is, the more you should get it done
it wouldnt be easy but you know it is the right thing to do.
You could be laughed at but that shouldnt deter you
Infact, i percieve the imposiibility of the task ahead, the years wasted, the forgery, the lies, the makeups, the make-beliefs, the what-have-you….yet
You are not the world’s worst unless you refuse to take the turn and do it right.
He who hasnt sinned could cast the first stone at you and surely the stones wouldnt come but hear this…
if you wouldnt ditch the wrong and be right then you are casting the first stone are yourself
The time is now. MAKE THE TURN! Do IT!

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