SON: Lord I need a good Voice, GOD:What do you need a good voice for? SON: To sing to your glory GOD:You don’t need a good voice to do that SON: But lord those that stand on the stage have good voices and you gave it to them GOD:A good voice sells on the stage but I hear the melody from the heart SON:  But lord I am ashamed to sing in public, even in church GOD: That’s because you don’t know why […]

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Some months back, my friend and I got talking and in the middle of our conversation, she mentioned that her friends have said and she believes that…bla bla bla. Okay, sorry about that. She said she believes as do her friends, that a woman should love the man more than the man loves her just in case the man ‘messes-up’ in the relationship, it would be easy for her to forgive him. If you care to ask my opinion I […]

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She was mature yet full of life. Probably hailing from the middle belt of Nigeria, I would hit a guess at Kogi or Benue state or somewhere on the borderlines of both. She was a complete woman as the eyes could see. Her feminine gait and graces were intact. She filled out in the right places and when she smiled, you could see that those two primitive African marks on her cheeks couldn’t stop the glow on her face. She […]

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I have come to understand that every malfunction that occurs in old age is traceable to a continuous misbehavior in youthful life. Little habits that we take as fun things and the normal trend of youthful life condense and become the dregs that haunt adult life. It doesn’t count whether it is of good or bad or amoral. What we practice daily, we perfect wholesomely in no time. We indirectly cultivate our habits with our little continuous acts of daily […]

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Many times in relationships we hardly say what we should or act who we are, maybe because we are scared of scaring the other away or maybe we are just to insecure to be ourselves. The result is of course a relationship that we manually build and not one that we deserve. We end up patching the holes in the boat, when we either shouldn’t have gotten into that boat or we shouldn’t have holed it all the same. We […]

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Have you ever experienced what it means to have a broken heart? The most important question isn’t “how did it get broken?” but…”did it get mended?” Broken hearts are tales that litter the terrain of youths and plague the minds of the young. It’s not what you ever wish for and at some points it’s not what you can avoid, irrespective of how careful and right you might have been.  Life is a risk and even more of a risk […]

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      I grew up disliking what I looked like. I couldn’t appreciate myself when I was alone, worse still, when I was amidst people. I Just couldn’t tell why I had to look bad, even before I began to feel bad.  I couldn’t pronounce the letter ‘r’ and the fault wasn’t because I was ibo by tribe. No! my tongue was the misfit here. I became less fluent in speech because I had to train my brain to eliminate […]

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What people say has a lot of effect and I am no stranger to them words.I grew up in a family in which I had to quietly struggle to find my place and be recognized  It was tough enduring acts of comparism. It was not easy knowing you were loved, yet fighting for the same love in different situations. You knew you lacked but you couldn’t prove it.I saw myself go through a lot, I became reticent and secluded myself internally. […]

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POSTED THIS A GOOD WHILE BACK AND I AM RE-POSTING DUE TO UNCONFIRMED REQUESTS. DON’T TAKE IT PERSONAL, JUST READ!Lord please give me one of your human female creaturesone made in your image, pure and trueone that i would love and call minei dont want a perfect woman butsomeone without evil and intentional wrongsomeone real and human enough to be lovedsomeone who would appreciate life and livessomeone who can sacrifice for and give love like youi need only one and […]

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MARRIAGE : How He found Her

I write from a sick bed but these thoughts just wont let go… WARNING : this post has a lenghty tendency. read at your own “risk” I have stayed afar and close too, only to observe man misinterpret the original intent of God in many spheres of life, one of which is very pivotal: MARRIAGE I preach no gospel of mine here but that which inspires thoughts in my heart… God, not Man (ADAM) was the one who noticed that […]

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