MARRIAGE : How He found Her

I write from a sick bed but these thoughts just wont let go…

WARNING : this post has a lenghty tendency. read at your own “risk”

I have stayed afar and close too, only to observe man misinterpret the original intent of God in many spheres of life, one of which is very pivotal: MARRIAGE

I preach no gospel of mine here but that which inspires thoughts in my heart…

God, not Man (ADAM) was the one who noticed that it wasn’t a good thing for the man to be alone and he sought to put an end to it. To that, he decided to make fowls of the air and beasts of the field. He allowed Adam to name them and he stood aside to see which animal the man would choose (that means, mans choice was prime, though second to the creators’ making of the animals). POINT

God noticed that Adam couldn’t name his “help” from the existing creatures, he (God) then resorted to putting the man, not just to sleep, but to a DEEP SLEEP. Why? Maybe the man may never be able to choose right in his conscious state. May be he badly needed help? POINT

He refused the man to see the woman’s face as it was made so the man wouldn’t start dreaming

He refused the man to follow how the slender neck was crafted, so the man wouldn’t wish amiss

He refused the man to observe the curving of the breasts, so he wouldn’t start salivating

He refused the man to watch firsthand as the curvy shape was made, so he wouldn’t hallucinate

He refused the man to behold the other alluring parts, so that he wouldn’t be distracted.

God finished her, then brought her, then woke him! POINT

God knew what was best for man right from inception and man recognized it the moment he saw it (her). POINT

God’s standard is holiness and righteousness, the inner-man, not experience, not observation, not family investigation and not whatever man decides to look and see. Not that they aren’t important but they aren’t the essential firsts! 

Essential means HIGHEST IMPORTANCE. Take note. POINT

That’s why the Word says to seek FIRST Gods kingdom (the ESSENTIAL) and every other thing (the IMPORTANT) would be added (with or without request) unto you.

You mustn’t have known her for at least two years, you mustn’t attend the same fellowship or be at par with family traditions. Once God steps in, syllabuses become diary jottings. Once he intervenes, there is not a law against him yet he wouldn’t break any. POINT

God gave Adam something deep inside to recognize his woman, have you recognized yours?

Adam called her not just his bone or flesh but a deeper calling, without second guessing. Why are you stalling?

He called her a part of HIMSELF not just a part of his FAMILY! POINT

It takes a God-given internal to recognize the God-ordained external. The Word again would indulge this understanding that…Gods Spirit beareth witness with our spirit that we are sons of God.

That’s the essential, that’s when God can recognize what is not good in our life, that’s when he can get to work to create, that’s when he can ask us to choose amongst his own or bring her to us, that’s when he can stand back and smile as we rant and chant away our love lyrics for the ‘bonebone and fleshflesh’ that is ours. That’s when we can later get naked and not know shame, that’s when the restoration back to the EDEN TIMES would be accomplished. Purpose fulfilled. Ten thousand fleeing.

You may have sought hard and looked far, you may have prayed long and prophesied on-point, God is on guard, perhaps he is working and needs you to go to sleep, a kind of a deep sleep ( you will surely wake, don’t worry about that). No matter how long the sleep may take, you can beat your chest like I’m apt to do and say…I’ve got the ESSENTIAL, I AM A SON, A TRUE HEIR AND I HAVE A WITNESS HIGH ABOVE.

God would come through for you, if you stay through with him. He has not a record in his agenda of sleeping or slumbering, neither yesterday, today nor forever and he sees the end thereof and knows the best long afore. 


Thinking… God abeg, don’t take forever o! (lol)

One comment

  • I am most thrilled at how u purposefully pass the undeniable essence of life. Living for the one who have created with purpose,to fulfil purpose. We would not fail ourselves but keeping His precepts. Thanks Bro


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