Have you ever experienced what it means to have a broken heart? The most important question isn’t “how did it get broken?” but…”did it get mended?”

Broken hearts are tales that litter the terrain of youths and plague the minds of the young. It’s not what you ever wish for and at some points it’s not what you can avoid, irrespective of how careful and right you might have been. 

Life is a risk and even more of a risk is the process called Love. Love makes life worth living, yet same love could be the bane of many records of unhappiness.

I have come to learn from some exposure, due experience and just living life with others that one’s life could be so tailored by the decisions one makes, yet not all of life is in ones control especially with the involvement of a second person.
I was once a character in a nasty tale of incompetence, where a doctor,

halfway into an operation to remove my tooth, stopped and began to stitch me back. He asked me to go home and heal and return to start the process all over. His reason was that the power source was cut off during the operation and they had a faulty generating plant. You can trust I never returned, not to him or any other doctor for that operation.
Such is the tale of many youths. They get hurt, go home and heal and return for yet another breakage!
It hurts to hear some tales of breakage, some relationships end maturely and some others, shabbily but no matter how smooth or impressive they end, there is always a mending required on a heart! When emotions are riled up, it’s hard to listen to the senses. When the “chemistry” kicks in, the equation is hardly ever balanced. The scale always tips in ones favour and another’s disfavour.
I have watched and seen decent girls tie their hearts so close to break-centred young men and expect to get by unhurt. I have seen gentlemen cleave to destructive ladies and expect to pull it off and in all, my questions never end as I seek to know why in cases like this, even the most spiritual could go off course and still think he or she is in God’s direct will. 
I personally have had my share of disappointments and as much as I have no regrets getting by in my relationships I yet nurse a bleeding heart as I see broken hearts littered all around me, some hearts still beating even in unison with mine. My brothers and sisters having their hearts strewn around with sordid tales of emotional ties bereft of any purpose or achievement. Some are so blurry that calling them figments of fictitious manipulations would be termed as glorious complements. What can be done to stem the tide of this infectious plague? What lessons could stopper the next wine from sipping through to the lips of a drunk?

May be the tales and the lessons I have learnt could spin a heart in the right direction, just maybe!

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