Some months back, my friend and I got talking and in the middle of our conversation, she mentioned that her friends have said and she believes that…bla bla bla. Okay, sorry about that. She said she believes as do her friends, that a woman should love the man more than the man loves her just in case the man ‘messes-up’ in the relationship, it would be easy for her to forgive him. If you care to ask my opinion I would continue from where I stopped and called it bla bla bla ….feel free to continue for me. Thanks!
Who on earth plans in that fashion? You use your acumen and time and energy to plan for something bad that would happen in a relationship you are yet to enter? I know that we should expect the unexpected while hoping for the best but come to think of it… rather than plan for what happens after, I think it wise to plan to avert the unwanted occurrence altogether.
it’s a case many of us are guilty of. We make alternatives for nega
tives. We sponsor fear and deride faith. We show our strength praying for healing when we neglected the prayers we should have prayed not to fall sick. It’s easy to fall prey of this ironical way that plagues our human psychology.
Many would tell you not to “put all your eggs in one basket”,

to plan for something in case of an unforeseen turn in events. As much as you can prove your point, needless to say that the scripture I read tells me that wise words or proverbs become limp in the mouth of fools. Do not be in a hurry to prove your expertise on the issue I have just broached. Be calm and see the view point encased here in.

I don’t see what’s wrong in putting all my eggs in a basket I can vouch for. What if it’s the only basket I have or can afford? What if I don’t have a better option or any at that? What if it’s the best basket money can buy or man can make? Yes, it may depend on the circumstance but even more, it depends on the owner of the eggs.
If you are not putting all your eggs in a basket, pardon me to itemize the scenario. In a relationship, you call it Double Dating, in an exam case, you call it Plan B and in the case of spirit inclined things we are apt to quote that “…wisdom is profitable to direct…”. Please don’t get me wrong, when you are faced with two positives, may be job interviews, a case to purchase an item, what talent or skill to imbibe and such like, the case is obviously different.
But when we are in discus with integrity, character, holiness, mannerism, morals, righteousness and all the virtues that make us better men, then it is time to stop switching sides and excavating options.
I am a Christian and my life, the whole of it, is embedded in Christ Jesus.  No options, no plan B. That act alone has shaped even my unknown future. I can’t look for another basket when I lecture or do business or approach a lady or buy a device or speak on a topic. I trust God to help me guide the eggs in my basket. My basket is my standard. It is my show of integrity. It is who I am in the light and in the dark.
Having multiple baskets exposes where you have embedded your trust. Having only one basket speaks of faithfulness, commitment and really when your eye is single; your whole body would be full of light. It is not a day thing to keep to a basket, it’s a daily awakening and reassuring of self that you are doing the right and you would be rewarded for it and at worst you would be satisfied you did what was and is right in the sight of God and mere man.
I urge you to be more faithful in your studies, your business, your relationships, your words, your posts, your texts, your motives, your thoughts, your looks, your dressing, your reads, your writes, your everyday life and seriously you would surely come to accept that having questionable alternatives or options is just another way of spreading oneself thin.
I put my trust in God that my basket would not fail me. Not complete trust in the basket but in the God that knows me and knows how much I trust him. His will is for me, my only option. If he says it, I do it. I may not like the church, the car may not be new, the job may not pay well, she may not be beautiful, the environment may be nauseating, the phone may not be in vogue but if God says it’s his will then it’s my will too and my only basket.
I know I am called according to a purpose, I know his love towards me, I know his thoughts and plans concerning me, I know his provisions stocked for me and even if I do not know what the morrow may bring, I know the one who gave me today has made provisions far ahead of time. I do not need another basket. Once I have committed it into his hands, the situation has no choice but to prosper and if it wouldn’t, my father would let me know.
Will you commit to making where you are better rather than seeking alternatives?
With my trust in God, One basket is enough for me, I would not dare a second!
That’s my call. What’s yours?


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